How to Become Saved

If you are interested becoming a Christian and escaping all the evils of this world, the devil, and most of all, Hell, death, and, destruction, please read on.

To become a Christian means you have to be saved by the LORD Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? That is the English translation of the Hebrew name for God (Yeshua). He came to earth in the form of a man, lived a perfect and sinless life, and came to die for your sin (anything evil you have ever done is called "sin" by God). By that death (and by being both God and man), Jesus payed for your sins so as to make it possible for you to be saved. He had to die for you because you yourself aren't able to save yourself (Romans 3:23). If you are not saved by Jesus Christ, you must die and go to a place of everlasting punishment called Hell (Ezekiel 18:20Revelation 20:13-15). This can be avoided if you can, with sincerity, do the following things:

1. Admit you are a sinner and need Jesus Christ to be saved (Romans 3:23Ezekiel 18:20Revelation 20:13-15). This is known as "Repentance." The word in the Greek language means to change your mind and turn. This doesn't mean you have to stop sinning or attempt to clean up your life--you can't do that only God can (Titus 3:5). Think of it like this: your life is the car you're driving. Your car is broken down because of Sin. Repentance for this situation would mean not fixing the car, but getting out of it and running to the Mechanic. You don't want your sin, you want God--but just remember it has nothing to do with YOU trying to address your sin--God does that. That's the whole reason He died for you (John 3:17)!

2. Only Jesus Christ can fix that (1 John 2:2). He is the ONLY One that can save you. Why? He died for you and therefore is the only one that lives that contains the payment for your sins.

3. Believe that He is the Son of God who died on the Cross for your sins (1 Peter 3:18) and was brought back to life (resurrected) by God the Father (Acts 13:29-32).

4. Trust Him as your savior (John 3:16Acts 16:31) and call upon his NAME (Yeshua) to save you (Romans 10:13Acts 2:21). Come to Him, as the women that washed Jesus' feet with oil did (Matthew 26:6-13).

Tell those things above to God--that you're a sinner and need Him to save you through His death--and you will be saved! Being "saved" means being saved by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), that you are given the Holy Spirit and sealed with Him forever (Ephesians 1:13-14 and Ephesians 4:30), and that you are a Child of God forever (Romans 8:29-31 with Romans 11:29). God is good!! Buy a Bible and start reading it everyday, pray to God everyday, get in a good, Bible based Church, and tell others about what you've just experienced (Matthew 28:16-20)! Live every day in the fear and reverence of the Lord Jesus Christ (Proverbs 9:10).

If you have questions about this post, your salvation, or if you have just become saved, please contact me at

הוה' (Yahovah--God/Jesus Christ) bless,
Robert A. Rowlett